Zeta Yoga ~ Z सूत्र

To Be Or Not To Be ~ William Shakespeare

Technology is the action that binds object properties into a functional whole. 

Actions are functional properties of objects and declared verbs.

All Actions Are Directed To
Self Or Other ~ Dalai Lama

I Am a living technology.

I Think Therefore I Am. ~ René Descartes

I AM WHO I AM  ~ Exodus ~ I Am the name of God

Technology assimilates nature, humanity, mechanical, analog and digital phenomena into a functional whole.

An action pulsates and expends a burst of energy.

Energy operates in the duality of Yang and Yin, positive and negative vibrations.

The positive embodies abundant light that pierces the dark.

The negative epitomizes a dark deficiency that shields against light.

 Yang personifies the masculine, and Yin the feminine. 

Yang is the sender of knowledge, and Yin is the receiver of knowledge.

The digital symbols of Yang are One and On and Yin Zero and Off.

Off represents a wait state, waiting to be turned on.

Knowledge exists in energy and vibration.

Moral abundant energy manifests the sacred, and amoral deficient energy degrades into ignorance and the profane.

Intelligent energy manifests in all sacred life forms.

All sentient beings perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell unless impeded.

Chi and Prana manifest Life Energy.

Chi manifests the energy that flows through the individual and everything.

Prana manifests the primordial energy of the universe and exists through the entire material world. Prana exists in the macrocosmic and microcosmic and unveils the substratum of all life.