My Metaphysics

I am Sacred. My Metaphysics stands constructed on the Platonic Ideal of Goodness, Beauty and Truth, The UNIVERSAL and the Vedic mantra of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram Truth, Godliness and Beauty, The UNIVERSAL.

My Metaphysics lives in The UNIVERSAL GOD, the GOD of every living soul that has been born and that is to be born. GOD is beyond form and symbol without boundaries and limits. 

Lord Krishna and the Lord Jesus Christ are limited forms and symbols of GOD. Lord Krishna teaches the conscious path to righteousness and the mysteries of Atman and Brahman. The Lord Jesus Christ teaches virtues of the soul and the sacred heart, Ignited by self-sacrifice, self-discipline, forgiveness, love, courage, and humility.

Free Will is the freedom and right to choose. I freely choose GOD and the Sacred. Namaste

So, then here is the drama. My metaphysics, let me be perfectly frank with you are … that there is the central Self,  you can call it God you can call it anything you like and it’s All of us,

Alan Watts Aldous Huxley Amor Russell André Dugum Arthur C. Clarke Arthur Schopenhauer Benedictine Monks Benjamin McEvoy BK Shivani Book Club Carl Jung Carl Sagan Chinmaya Mission Conscious Circle Crichton Miller Dalai Lama David Talbott Deepak Chopra Deva Premai Dr Cornel West Eknath Easwaran Eye of Wisdom Fr. Robert Nixion Fredric Copleston Gaiea Sanskrit George Harrison George Orwell Gillian Bennett Glennford Ellison Roberts Hannah Arendt Hegal Humanity Healing. Indiajiva Isha J.Krishnamurti Jacob Bronowski Jason Gregory Jeffery Kaplan Jeffrey Armstrong Jesus John Lennon Jordan Maxwell Joseph Campbell Karen Armstrong Llewelyn Vaughan-Lee Malala Yousafza Manly P. Hall Martin Lings Marty Leeds Master key Society Mircea Eliade Mooji Mooji Mala Music Mortimer.J Adler Mother Meera Noam Chomsky Our History Oxford Paramahamsa Vishwananda Paramahansa Yogananda Peter Singer Plato Pt Satish K Sharma Ramana Maharshi Ram Dass Roger Scruton Roger Waters Rumi Rupert Spira Sadhguru Sangam Talks Seyyed Hossein Nasr Shamanic Studies Shree Purohit Swami Shunyamurti Solara An-Ra Spinoza Sri Aurobindo Ghose Sri Yukteswar Stephen Hawking Swami Abhedananda Swami Rama Swami Sarvapriyanandaji Swami Tadatmananda Swami Tadatmanands Swami Vivekananda Tat Wale Baba Terence McKenna Then & Now The Sanskrit Channel The Spiritual Bee Thich Nhat Hanh Thomas A Kempis Tina Turner U2 Vandana Shiva W.B.Yeats Walter Russell Yogi Shanti Desai ZennReiki