Delta Yoga ~ Δ सूत्र

Ministry of Truth

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Animal Farm
If there was hope, it must lie in the Proles ~  Wiston Smith 1984
George Orwell

The Ministry of Truth exists with each keystroke struck in the age of social platforms. The mountainous stream of information created by ego has divided the global village into infinite categories and classifications. 

Information becomes knowledge only when scrutinized by rigorous means and processes. Empirical sciences and knowledge domains have a stringent set of high standards. Reasons are verified, validated and published. 

Proles do not have the critical thinking skills for specific knowledge domain questions. Essential thinking skills are imperative for the complex enteral questions of Who Am I and What is Knowledge. 

The world public education system exists to produce certified workers and technicians. Individuals who question or fail deficient education systems suffer a lifetime of material poverty.

Aristocratic academic institutions foster liberal education for the elite. Degrees give opportunities for wealth and power. The privilege of the elite is secure with lifetime networks of family, friends and colleagues. 

Anomalies occur, and winners will arise from the ashes of the masses. Meanwhile, swarms work to the bone, and multitudes suffer pain, indignity and humiliation.

History repeats itself with bread and circus. The proles support the construct of temporal material by desire, wants, and beliefs. 

Self-healing and liberation command a death of the ego and an inward ascent to Goodness, Beauty and Truth, The UNIVERSAL.